21st International Congress of Linguists, Poznań, Poland.
2024. Towards a formal account of auxiliary switch: new data from French. Going Romance 38. December 4-6. Universidade do Minho, Portugal.
2024. Être or not: Auxiliary switch in the diachrony of French. ICL2024 - 21st International Congress of Linguists. September 4-8. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland.
2024. Auxiliary switch in Italian and Romance. SLE57 - Societas Linguistica Europaea. August 21-24. University of Helsinki, Finland.
2024. with Anna Paradís. One size does not fit all: a comparative analysis of restructuring in Romance. Nouălea simpozion internațional de lingvistică, workshop "Theoretical and empirical issues in the study of clause size". May 23-24. Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti”, Romania.
2024. with Anna Paradís. Exploring the morphosyntax of minoritised varieties: Restructuring in the Gallo-/Ibero-Romance continuum. Romance grammars, context and contact. January 8-10, University of Birmingham, UK.
2023. Word Order in Old Occitan: Infinitive Object Clitics. Going Romance 37. November 30-December 1, Radboud University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
2023. When change fails: evidence from French. ICHL26 - 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics. September 4-8. University of Heidelberg, Germany.
2023. Stylistic Fronting as a Transparency Effect: new data from Old Gallo-Romance. SLE56 - Societas Linguistica Europaea. August 29-September 1. National and Kapadostrian University of Athens, Greece.
2023. with Anna Paradís. The many faces of particles: exploring clause size in Romance. LAGB 2023 - Linguistics Association of Great Britain. August 29-September 1, Anglia Ruskin University, UK.
2023. Evidence for high infinitive placement in Old French. DiGS24 - Diachronic Generative Syntax. July 5-7, University of Paris, France.
2023. The clausal architecture of Old French infinitival clauses. LSRL53 - Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. June 26-30, Université Paris Cité, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, and Université Paris Saclay, France.
2022. Strong morphology, weak distribution: a case of failed change in French. Going Romance 36. November 30-December 2, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
2022. When do clitics cliticise? LAGB 2022 - Linguistics Association of Great Britain. September 14, Ulster University, UK.
2022. On the losses of enclisis and clitic climbing in the diachrony of French. DiGS23 - Diachronic Generative Syntax. June 8-10, New York University, USA.
2022. Chute de l'enclise infinitive en français: une étude diachronique et comparée. Colloque international Diachro X - le français en diachronie. May 31 - June 2, Paris Sorbonne Université, France.
2022. with Christina Sevdali & Raffaella Folli. Restructuring without clitic climbing. The syntax of causative, perception and restructuring verbs in Romance and Latin - SCUP22 - Syntactic Conferences at the University of Palermo . May 26-27, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy.
2022. The role of phonology in language change: evidence from clitics and infinitives in French. LSRL52 - Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. April 21-23, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
2022. Diachrony and directionality of clitic placement in Romance: evidence from French. PLC46 - Penn Linguistics Conference. March 18-20, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
2021. with Christina Sevdali & Raffaella Folli. Clitic placement with infinitives in the diachrony of French. LAGB 2021 - Linguistics Association of Great Britain. September 8, Online.
2021. Preinfinitival strong pronouns in Medieval French: reconsideration and loss. mFiL - Manchester Forum in Linguistics. April 28-29, University of Manchester, UK.
2020. Étude de la diachronie du français : constituer un corpus de textes légaux. Society for French Studies. July 29, Online.
2019. Clitic placement in Old French non-finite contexts. ADEFFI Symposium, Maynooth University, Ireland.
2024. with Anna Paradís. Restructuring beyond binary thinking: clause size variation in Romance. Going Romance 38. December 4-6. Universidade do Minho, Portugal.
2019. Targeting diachronic issues: a review of Old French. CreteLing. July 18, University of Crete.
2025. A thousand-year journey through French syntax: clitics, clitic placement, and cliticisation. General Linguistics Seminar. Invited by the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics at the University of Oxford. February 24.
2025. with Anna Paradís. Quelques remarques à propos des parlers gallo- et ibéro-romans : ce que les clitiques nous disent sur la typologie. Séminaire "Clitiques". Invited by Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. February 7.
2025. Auxiliary switch in the diachrony of French. Cambridge Romance Linguistics Seminar. Invited by the University of Cambridge. January 4.
2025. with Anna Paradís. Deconstructing restructuring: new insights at the crossroads of Gallo-Romance and Ibero-Romance. Cambridge Romance Linguistics Seminar. Invited by the University of Cambridge. January 3.
2024. with Anna Paradís. A comparative approach to theoretical issues: clause size in Romance. RoLinC - Romance Linguistics Circle. Invited by the Universities of Cambridge and Newcastle. October 29.
2024. Stressed proclitics in Middle French? Evidence that language change is driven by structural simplification. Historical Syntax Seminar. Invited by the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics at the University of Oxford. May 1.
2023. with Anna Paradís. Restructuring: one phenomenon, one size? Oxford Romance Linguistics Seminar. Invited by the Research Centre for Romance Linguistics at the University of Oxford. November 16.
2023. Where do clitics go in Old Gallo-Romance infinitival clauses? Occitan Studies Day. Invited by University of Oxford. May 20, Trinity College.
2023. Phonologically-driven syntactic change in French. Oxford Romance Linguistics Seminar. Invited by the Research Centre for Romance Linguistics at the University of Oxford. February 23.
2023. Transitioning from PhD to Lectureship. Life Beyond the PhD Series. Invited by the Doctoral College at Ulster University. February 7.
2023. Infinitival morphology and clitic placement. Cambridge 50th Romance Linguistics Seminar. Invited by the University of Cambridge. January 5.
2022. Supervising undergraduate research. Teaching and Learning Series. Jointly invited by ADEFFI and ASMCF. June 29.
2021. The rise of infinitival proclisis in French is independent from the loss of clitic climbing: evidence from a corpus of legal texts. Linguistics Research Seminar series. Invited by the School of Communication and Media at Ulster University. March 23.
2021. with Cecilia Gialdini. As we speak: managing bilingual societies in Europe. Imagine Festival. March 25, Belfast.
2021. L'arrivée du pronom iel dans le dictionnaire le Robert marque-t-elle un tournant sociétal? 20 minutes. November 18, France.
2021. Iel, un nouveau pronom dans le dictionnaire. BFMTV. November 17, France.