Forthcoming. Olivier, Marc. Clitic Placement in the History of French. In Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
Accepted - in press. Olivier, Marc. A syntactic account of auxiliary selection in French. Probus.
Accepted - in press. Olivier, Marc. Clitic placement with infinitives in the diachrony of French: from enclisis to proclisis. Journal of Historical Syntax. LingBuzz: 007544
2024. Olivier, Marc, Sevdali, Christina, & Raffaella Folli. Infinitive fronting as a transparency effect in Old and Middle French. In New perspectives on the syntax of causative and restructuring verbs in Romance, eds. Jan Casalicchio & Peter Herbeck. Special issue of Isogloss: Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 10(4)/10. pp. 1–27. DOI: 10.5565/rev/isogloss.314
2023. Olivier, Marc, Sevdali, Christina, & Raffaella Folli. Clitic climbing and restructuring in the history of French. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1). pp. 1–45. DOI: 10.16995/glossa.10135
2022. Olivier, Marc. Diachronie de la proclise et de l'enclise avec l'infinitif en français médiéval (12e-15e s.). In Le temps long: l'évolution du français dans un corpus textuel calibré. Le témoignage de la coutume de Normandie, ed. Mathieu Goux. Studia Linguistica Romanica 8, pp. 10-35. DOI: 10.25364 /19.2022.8.2
2021. Olivier, Marc. Language in time: assessing Medieval French registers in a quest for accuracy in historical linguistics. French Studies Bulletin 42(159), pp. 23-27. DOI: 10.1093/frebul/ktab012
2019. Olivier, Marc. From Old French to French: Language as a Living Puzzle. Intersections (Postgraduate Journal - Arts , Humanities , Social Sciences) 1(1), pp. 40-43.
2025. Mathieu Goux / Pascale Mounier (ed.), La corrélation en diachronie longue (1450-1800), Paris, Honoré Champion, 2023, 354 pages. In Revue de Linguistique Romane.
2022. Olivier, Marc. A Corpus Study of Clitic Placement with Infinitives in the Diachrony of French. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Ulster University.
Scholarship: Vice Chancellor's Research Scholarship
Award: Best research project being undertaken by a doctoral student in a Higher Education institution on the island of Ireland (ADEFFI 2020)
2018. Olivier, Marc. A Diachronic Study of Proclisis-Enclisis Alternation on Infinitives and Imperatives in Old French. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Ulster University.
2020. Olivier, Marc. Change Is On Its Way. Institute of Modern Languages Research blog.